, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Everything Zen: Stephen Batchelor - Buddhism as a Philosophy of Action and Responsiblity

November 10, 2015

Stephen Batchelor - Buddhism as a Philosophy of Action and Responsiblity

Thought of the Day:

“Buddhism has become for me a philosophy of action and responsibility. It provides a framework of values, ideas, and practices that nurture my ability to create a path in life, to define myself as a person, to act, to take risks, to image things differently, to make art. The more I prize Gotama's teachings free from the matrix of Indian religious thought in which they are entrenched and the more I come to understand how his own life unfolded in the context of his times, the more I discern a template for living that I can apply at this time in this increasingly secular and globalized world.”

— Stephen Batchelor, Confession of a Buddhist Atheist
